Tuning into Mother Earth is overwhelming, there is so much abundance to recognize and witness, there is also so much pain and grief. However, she is our divine ally after all.
What is Mother Earth trying to tell us through the movements we are witnessing online? I’d like to believe that she has a bigger role in the internet than we know.
I often think about how the Farmers Protests in India ignited an entire disaporic community abroad. I see a similar effect with Palestine, Afghanistan, Puerto Rico, Iran, Hawaii, the Black Lives Matter movement etc. I have witnessed all of these online and a few in person.
In the case of the Farmers Protest, my dad would share photos of his Mama Ji camping out for 1 year and 4 months in Punjab. In other photos 3 generations stood together at the protest, my Maserd Ji, his son, and his grandson. After seeing several videos online, I sat with grief, love, and joy fully feeling what it meant to be connected to a land that my ancestors built their entire culture around. From time to time I look at my hands, knowing that they are shaped the way they are because of the dirt in Punjab.
Through examining online and offline what has happened to the land my ancestors were once in harmony with, I am able to connect more deeply with these different movements, crossing borders, crossing cultures. There is beauty in being part of the global diaspora.
I currently live in a part of the world where several cultures intersect, where protests erupt immediately after a significant injustice is heard.
I wonder about the role of video, as a portal into different spaces. How so easily we are able to see injustice from our very own homes.
The internet is a divine part of our consciousness, connecting us inter-culturally. We certainly need one another to create a version of paradise on Earth and we certainly need a strong relationship with the internet. One where we respect ourselves, our internet peers and vise versa.
What if we used the internet to strengthen our relationship to the Earth? What if video portals inspired small changes, where acting locally, acting within our sphere of the world effected Mother Earth entirely? What if by simply honoring ourselves both on and offline, we honored Mother Earth? Uplifting humanity into a playground for encouragement, wisdom, reciprocity, joy?
For now, I am saying “I love you” to the Earth more than I ever have before. This is a very tiny step I’m taking to strengthen my relationship with her. What are some ways you’ve connected with Mother Earth lately? What are some unexpected ways she’s connected with you?
Signing out with some inspirational resources, some that have kept me curious and connected.
I was in contact with the Lenape Nation of PA about land acknowledgements, here’s a statement they shared with me that they send out to different organizations/bussiness.
Braiding SweetGrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Sama Abdulhadi’ Boiler Room Set in Palestine
Bad Bunny’s Music Video El Apagón
Standing Above the Clouds Short Film about the sacred Mountain of Mauna Kea
And finally a cherry on top, a snippet of my DJ set from Offering Rain’s album release party (recap edit by me: )
Jakari Wing
venmo: @jakariwing
With every newsletter you put out, I gain a new perspective ❤️ Thank you, Jasdeep! 🫶 #earthhands